Friday, May 19, 2017

The Pre-Approval letter: A tool to Reduce Pressure

The Pre-Approval Letter: A Tool to Reduce Pressure
Purchasing a new home can be really exciting regardless of whether it is your first home or the home you’ve always dreamed of.  One of the biggest elements of a purchase is knowing what you can afford and having that information available for your agent to find you the perfect home!  A first step is to find a lender that you trust and that will help you through the changing mortgage environment of today. One of the biggest tools that lender can give you to help the buying process is a pre-approval letter.   Here are a few reasons why it is a good idea to have one in order to speed up the buying process.
  • A pre-approval letter will allow your agent to find homes in the price range set by the lender.
  • Having a pre-approval letter can really help when it comes to the negotiation aspect of the purchase.  The person you're going to make an offer to may choose your offer because they know you’re ready to go.  In some cases, even if the offer is lower that others on the table.
  • People selling their home want to know and feel better working with potential buyers who have a pre-approval letter because in many cases they are moving too.  By having this letter, it helps the process flow much smoother from a lending perspective.
  • A pre-approval is something that has been verified based on credit, income, and other data that has been reviewed by an underwriter and approved.
Buying a home can be a long process and they’re many components that go into buying and selling a home.  Be prepared and be sure that you complete this as part of your home buying experience.  It will reduce pressure and anxiety for the agent, the seller, and most importantly, you.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Traits of a goof Realtor

When it comes to searching for a real estate agent, there are some things that everyone should consider whether you are the buyer or the seller in the transaction.  Here are a few of the traits to look for when choosing your next agent.

Communication is key!

There are enough stresses when it comes to buying or selling a home.  The last thing anyone needs is to be associated with an agent that is horrible at communication.  The real estate market is quick and changes rapidly.  You need an agent that responds quickly to situations.  This can be the difference in you selling your home or getting the house of your dreams.  A good agent will adapt very easily to the different modes of communication and act accordingly.  So whether it is a quick text, an email, or a phone call; your agent should be one voice you hear often.

Being active and motivated!

Everyday counts in real estate transactions regardless of what side of the transaction you are on.  You always want an agent that is actively looking for ways to attract potential buyers or looking for new listings for their clients.  They should always be very motivated to succeed in every transaction.  This will be very apparent in their attitude, actions, and communications.

Knowing the Whys and Whens

A real estate agent should know as much information about their customer which includes the whys and whens.  It is always a good practice to understand any specific timelines regarding the sale or purchase, motivations of the client or seller, and and special needs surrounding the transactions.  No two transactions in real estate a ever the same so knowing all the information possible will help everything move along smoother.

References?  No Problem!

A good real estate agent isn’t afraid to give you a list of names that you can call for references regarding their work.  If a potential agent shies away from this, it may be a warning sign that this is someone you shouldn’t be involved with.  Be sure to call the references that you are provided and get a feel for the agent you’ll be working with.  

Friday, March 31, 2017

Making you house look big!

Of course, everyone considers the square footage of a home an important aspect when it comes to buying a home.  What sellers fall short on sometimes is making the space seem bigger for a perceived increase in square footage.  

When selling your home you of course want to everything to be perfect for when it is shown.  But don’t forget to focus on the feel of the room when people walk in.  A 1000 square foot home can look huge if it is done correctly.  And a large home can look really small if done wrong!

People want and love space and there is no denying it.  It doesn’t matter if they are moving up in the size range or downsizing.  People don’t want to be cramped and confined.  They want their spaces to be homey and comfortable with space.  And you can achieve this regardless of the physical measurements.

You can achieve the look and feel you desire by doing some subtle things. If creating the visual perception of space is what you are after,, here are some ideas to help out.

1) Get rid of the area rugs.  Having area rugs can tend to break up the layout of the room which will ultimately making it feel smaller.  You shouldn’t put area rugs over existing carpets.  Buyers might think you’re hiding stains or other imperfections.

2) Edit the interior surroundings.  Remove any unneeded pieces from the room.  You can still show the space as homey but it will just feel more spacious.  

3) Let there be light!  Bring as much of the outside light into a room and use lamps with shades.  Dark rooms are really unattractive to buyers and can almost feel like a dungeon.

4) Create a flow.  Creating continuity between rooms is key to showing a room to room and will help to make it bigger. Do this by having clearly open sight lines between rooms and remove excess furnishings.

5) Easy on the paint colors…and choose one main color that will flow between spaces rather than having every room a different color. This will really enhance emphasize the continuity flow making the entire home feel much larger.